Decriminalization means the elimination of laws that prohibit sex work, while legalization means the creation of new laws that allow, but regulate, sex work. PIaMP stands for the decriminalization of adult sex work. Why not advocate for legalization?
First, because social movements and sex worker groups are calling for decriminalization. In general, we believe that the people affected by the social issue are best positioned to define their own needs. For instance, the recommendations of the Canadian Alliance for Sex Work Law Reform can be found here. This alliance is made up of several organizations that defend the rights of sex workers.
Legalization is not a solution that these groups are presently considering. Legalization continues to give the power of surveillance and punishment to the state and therefore to the police. Because sex workers are stigmatized, they are already at increased risk of police brutality. This is even more true for trans, Aboriginal and racialized sex workers. In addition, legalization would determine where sex work can be practiced. Limited space would lead to competition. This means only the most privileged people would have access: those who have the money to pay for the commercial space, or those who meet the beauty standard employers believe will bring in the most money, for example. Sex workers who do not have these privileges would struggle to access legalized workplaces and continue to be isolated and criminalized.
Decriminalization would therefore allow sex workers to retain more agency and control over their work.