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Should I discuss the topic of prostitution with my child ?

We believe that by trying to hide certain realities from teenagers, we often create situations where they do not have access to reliable information and do not possess the tools to make informed decisions. If you are not talking about trading sexual services with your child, they will still encounter a lot of information on that subject through movies, newspapers, social networks or friends. We believe it is important to discuss this information, as it often does not fully represent reality. 

Here are some tips on how to approach the subject: 

  • If you are not comfortable with this topic then read up on it. Try to diversify your sources and choose authors who have experiences related to the topic you want to discuss. 
  • Pay attention to what makes you uncomfortable when you read. Why do you feel this uneasiness? Can you link this feeling to some of your values? 
  • Think about your goals before you begin the conversation with your child. Do you want to understand what they are thinking, provide information, equip them with tools to ensure their safety, share certain values with them?  
  • Be careful not to paint an overly negative picture in an attempt to scare your child. Eventually, they may realize that the truth is more nuanced and will then question all the warnings they were given. 
  • Ask open-ended questions and approach the conversation with a genuine interest in your child’s view of the topic. 
  • Get another trusted adult to act as a confidant for your child. This may allow them to approach the topic more freely. 

Don’t hesitate to call a worker to support you in your thinking or if you have concerns about what your child is experiencing. We are here for you!

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